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International Day Performance

Loy Kratong Performance

 On the time before I went up to dance I felt really excited and nervous that will I dance good or not and will people like it. When I was dancing I felt like it was really fun and enjoy with the music a lot because I was singing along when the singer sings and even though I have some errors I still manage to continue the dance and smile with it.  There were some errors in the show but we learned from it and enjoy with it which in the future we would improve and not have errors like this time. From the time that we audition and almost didn't pass the audition because the song wasn't good and we have fix the problems which made we pass the audition. When we dance we felt like we enjoy it a lot and feel like from what we practice is worth because we had a short period of time and what we did is good enough. In the future if we have a dance to do again we would improve our errors and enjoy with it like this time again. 
Learning Outcomes

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

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