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K9 Booth getting donations and making drinks

This is an International day event at Wells International school, which many classes and clubs would make their booth. K9, a club that I'm in made a booth and sell drinks. Making drinks we would get profit for the club and get donations for the dog shelter. We had a large donation box that everyone could donate. Not only that but after selling the drinks we will take the money that we get from there and donate to thee dog shelter also. In making the drinks there are many kids coming and order because there are many drinks that kids like, for example, strawberry smoothie and linchi smoothie, which it is a kind of drink that attract many kids to buy. There was an error during the progress of making because the amount of students that wants to buy are more than what we expected so the ice would run out and what we have to do many times is to run out of school to the shop near school and buy ice. We can't buy many in one time because it could melt so we have to buy a pack or two at a time which made us have to go out of school to buy many times. But it was fun doing it because I get to talk to many kids, getting orders of the drinks, and helping in making, even though it was a really busy day because I had to do many things but it was a fun day having a lot of orderings from the kids and knowing that we earned a lot.

Learning outcomes 

2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

5.  Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

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