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In my head I could think of many stories I want to write and many endings and plots. I wanted to be a person who write scripts and books before, for now I want to learn about something else for university but writing stories would be my hobby. I don't write long stories but I write in a way of people chatting and having many episodes. The application that I use in writing my stories is Joylada which is a Thai application and I write stories in Thai in there. I like to do it because I feel like it is a way that I get to express the stories that I think of in my head. It is fun writing stories using this application because it allows you to make like your chatting in line or it could be just a long type of story. I could take the whole day to write these stories. Other people would get to read as well, for example I wrote one story and get 14,832 readers, and also some people would come and comment on it asking for more episodes. When there are a lot of readers I would feel like I want to write more but when there is no reader I would feel like my writing is not good and I should stop writing this story. It is something that I really like to do and will continue doing for a long time because in my head I have many things that I want to write it out and let the readers read. The plot story that I usually like to write about the most is about friends because it is something that everyone had experience no matter good or bad and would like it so I write it and my readers would like it also. Even though there are some errors in spelling but I manage to do research and fix it, and at last try to make the best story as I could.

Stories that I wrote


Example of a story that I wrote

Choosing characters

Typing the text down 

Learning Outcomes

1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

3.  Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

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