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I'm doing fitness for 1-2 years, on my own and with school. My target is to be fit and loose weight. During when I'm exercising I found many new exercises that is really hard and I have never seen it before. But it is a good time to experience and loose a lot of sweat, because exercising helps in relieving stress and helps to feel fresh. If I try hard then nothing would be hard for me to do. My weakness in this is I usually get tired fast and when ever I run I feel like it's hard to breath because I feel too tired. What I'm good in is I have patients in doing, I can slowly do but for a long time. My errors are sometimes I do exercises wrong which gives me pain in the next day and sometimes the pain are too strong that I can't handle and have to put medicine. Overall, I'm use to exercising so I would continue to improve and try to not be tired fast as like not in the future.


Learning Outcome

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

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